Di Vinci Studio was originally formed as a Melbourne based renovation company that solely focussed on designing and building luxury bathrooms. Our decision to specialise in bathrooms was driven by our deep appreciation for interior design that is deceptively simple. While our bathroom designs give the overall impression of understated elegance, a closer look will reveal the space is comprised of beautifully complex detail. Your bathroom is such an intimate space, so the renovation process needs to be a highly personalised experience.
At Di Vinci Studio, we’ll ensure that each step of your renovation journey is thoughtfully carried out.
We work closely with you from the initial design consultation right through to completion of the
build in order to attain the perfect outcome for you and your home.
As every space and every client is unlike any other, our bathroom renovations vary from project to
project. Once we have learned what you would like to achieve from your renovation, we will design
and put together a comprehensive proposal. Your proposal will outline all that is required to bring
your design to life, so you’ll know exactly what your renovation will entail.